Christian Education Department

History of Sunday School:

Sunday School is an integral part of the Church. In the beginning Lorrain took care of the Sunday School. He was enthusiastic and under his leadership, the Sunday School flourished. After him, Ms. Chapman (Pi Zirtiri) was in charge of the institution. When the BCM had its own Church Secretary, he looked after the Sunday School directly. With regards to this institution, there has not been much change since the integration of Church and Mission, except that at the Assembly level, the Department is now called Christian Education Department.

Sunday School ministry has been the backbone of the church, for 60% of the church members are attending Sunday School. Its main activity today is confined to the teaching and training people by imparting basic Bible knowledge and about Christian faith. The plan of the department is to write the Sunday school text books relevant to the Mizo context.

Beirual thu zir tur Pathian hnena hlanna neih a ni.

Beirual thu zir tur Pathian hnena hlanna neih a ni.

July 25, 2024 (Ningani) zing khan BCM Hall, Headquarters Offce, Serkawn-ah kumin 2024-a Beirual Thuzir tur ‘Ringtu Nun’ tih chu Rev. R. Lalbiakliana, General Secretary-in Pathian hnenah hlanin a tlangzarh. …

R&D-in Thli leh ruah avanga chhiat tawka tanpuina a pe

R&D-in Thli leh ruah avanga chhiat tawka tanpuina a pe

July 22-26, 2024 khan Buarpui leh Aizawl ah te tun hnaia thli leh ruah avanga chhiatna hrang hrang tuarte hnenah BCM Relief & Development Department chuan Chhawmdawlna leh tanpuina a sem a. Heng chhawmdawlna te hi R&D Department hotute -  Director Rev L.Vanlalsanga,Co-ordinator Rbt Lalrinawma leh Asst Co-ordinator Nl T. Lalfawnveli leh Pu Lalhriatpuia, Driver ten kengin Pastor Bial hrang hrangah tanpuina hi an pe a ni. …

Mission Inkhawmpui neih chhoh meka ni.

Mission Inkhawmpui neih chhoh meka ni.

Mizoram Baptist Kohran - Mission Department-in Kohhrante Mission rawngbawlnaa hma kan sawn nan leh mission rilru kan put ngheh deuh deuh theihna atan Mission Inkhawmpui buatsaih ni se ti-a ruahmanna an siam angin Lawngtlai, Lunglei eh Aizawl-ah te Pastor Bial 2/3 huapin Mission Inkhawmpui hi neih turin ruahman a ni a. A hmasa ber atan July 19-21 khan Lawngtlai khawpui chhunga Pastor Bial pathum - Lawngtlai North, Lawngtlai South leh Lawngtlai East Pastor bial te infinin BCM Biak In, Chanmari, Lawngtlaiah Mission Inkhawmpui hi tluang takin neih a ni. nkhawmpui thupui-ah Joshua 3:1 thu  ‘Ram lak tur lah chu a la tam mai si a’ tih chu hman a ni.  He Inkhawmpui-ah hian Sepaker-ah Rev. Dr. R. Lalthanmawia, AGS Mission leh Rev. Lalremsiama, Mission Director te hmangin, Resource person-ah  Pu T. Nghaksanga Mission Promoter hman a ni bawk. …