Home Missions

History of The BCM Mission : 

The pioneer missionaries Lorrain and Savidge practiced the three-self principle of self-propagating, self-supporting, and self-governing Church in Mizoram. They also tried very hard to make it clear that every believer must be a worker for the extension of God's Kingdom. It is marvellous to note that only after one month of their arrival (i.e. on 8th March 1903 at Tlabung, on 13th March 1903 at Lunglei), Lorrain was able to write to his father on 23rd April 1903, "Last Sunday was a red letter day for the Lushai Christians here. It was the occasion of the sending forth of two of their members as evangelists to their surrounding villages. These two men will be supported from the rice which the Christians put aside for God after the last harvest." The passion for winning souls and the zeal for evangelism was implanted by the first missionaries in the hearts of the first generation of Christians. Even school- boys and girls eagerly undertook evangelistic work on holidays in their respective villages; sharing about Jesus Christ to their parents and relatives whenever they had opportunity. New Christians shared their new faith to their neighbouring villages and believers formed themselves into preaching groups proclaiming the Gospel wherever they went. So, the good tidings of the Gospel spread in all directions like the tide of the sea, giving life to every dry bone of villagers - and they lived and stood upon their feet and became an exceedingly great host. Within a short span of only fifty years (1894 - 1944), almost all the Mizos became Christians. It is often said that the head-hunting people were converted into soul-hunting believers. the Home Mission focuses on Bru, Chakma and Non-Mizo communities inside Mizoram.

BCM Mission Tobul (Mizo Version)

Beirual thu zir tur Pathian hnena hlanna neih a ni.

Beirual thu zir tur Pathian hnena hlanna neih a ni.

July 25, 2024 (Ningani) zing khan BCM Hall, Headquarters Offce, Serkawn-ah kumin 2024-a Beirual Thuzir tur ‘Ringtu Nun’ tih chu Rev. R. Lalbiakliana, General Secretary-in Pathian hnenah hlanin a tlangzarh. …

R&D-in Thli leh ruah avanga chhiat tawka tanpuina a pe

R&D-in Thli leh ruah avanga chhiat tawka tanpuina a pe

July 22-26, 2024 khan Buarpui leh Aizawl ah te tun hnaia thli leh ruah avanga chhiatna hrang hrang tuarte hnenah BCM Relief & Development Department chuan Chhawmdawlna leh tanpuina a sem a. Heng chhawmdawlna te hi R&D Department hotute -  Director Rev L.Vanlalsanga,Co-ordinator Rbt Lalrinawma leh Asst Co-ordinator Nl T. Lalfawnveli leh Pu Lalhriatpuia, Driver ten kengin Pastor Bial hrang hrangah tanpuina hi an pe a ni. …

Mission Inkhawmpui neih chhoh meka ni.

Mission Inkhawmpui neih chhoh meka ni.

Mizoram Baptist Kohran - Mission Department-in Kohhrante Mission rawngbawlnaa hma kan sawn nan leh mission rilru kan put ngheh deuh deuh theihna atan Mission Inkhawmpui buatsaih ni se ti-a ruahmanna an siam angin Lawngtlai, Lunglei eh Aizawl-ah te Pastor Bial 2/3 huapin Mission Inkhawmpui hi neih turin ruahman a ni a. A hmasa ber atan July 19-21 khan Lawngtlai khawpui chhunga Pastor Bial pathum - Lawngtlai North, Lawngtlai South leh Lawngtlai East Pastor bial te infinin BCM Biak In, Chanmari, Lawngtlaiah Mission Inkhawmpui hi tluang takin neih a ni. nkhawmpui thupui-ah Joshua 3:1 thu  ‘Ram lak tur lah chu a la tam mai si a’ tih chu hman a ni.  He Inkhawmpui-ah hian Sepaker-ah Rev. Dr. R. Lalthanmawia, AGS Mission leh Rev. Lalremsiama, Mission Director te hmangin, Resource person-ah  Pu T. Nghaksanga Mission Promoter hman a ni bawk. …