Education Department

History of the Education Department :
It was the BMS missionaries who introduced education in Mizoram. In 1904 when the then Chief Commissioner of Assam, Sir Bamfield Fuller came to Mizoram, he inspected both the schools run by the government and the mission. He was impressed by the work of the mission in school education. He then handed over all educational institutions to the Mission. From then all educational institutions in the south were under the Baptist Mission and in the north it was under the Welsh Mission. Even after independence, the government schools were under the administration of the honorary Inspector of Schools who themselves were
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serving missionaries. However, in 1952 as the Education Department was taken over by the government almost all the schools were taken except a few which the church was unwilling to hand over to the government. The Baptist Church still looks after its mission schools among the Brus and Chakmas. Moreover, it still administered nine nursery schools in different villages. Another chapter began when the 1956 Presbytery meeting held at Thingfal decided to open a high school. In 1961, Rev. R.F. Tucker as the first Principal, Christian High School was established at Serkawn. Now the school is upgraded to a Higher Secondary School.
It is an area where the BCM along with the Presbyterian and the Roman Catholic Church make very significant contributions. In 1904 the British Administration took decision to hand over the school management to the missionaries. Thus, the school education came under the care of the Christian Mission for half a century, until the Government took responsibilities in 1952. Gradually almost all the schools under the church were handed over to the government and the involvement of the BCM in education was greatly reduced. It was during those fifty years that significant changes were brought about in the Mizo society through this field. Within a short span of time the Christian children of a previously marginalised section of society became salaried persons and leaders of society. Today, Mizoram is in the first rank along with Kerela in the table of literacy rate in India. education was the primary means by which the Mizo people were transformed and were prepared to cope with a radical change that was brought about by the British administration and Christianity. Rev. F.W. Savidge Ph. D. a highly qualified and keenly interested in education was responsible for the introduction of quality education. Under his leadership the Serkawn Christian school became the source of Mizo Literature and centre for leadership building. Today, the educational ministry of the BCM mainly focuses the Chakma and Bru communities. There are four High Schools, six Middle Schools, and twenty four Primary Schools under the care of Home Missions. The Baptist Higher Secondary School and the Baptist English School both with hostel facilities and one primary school are directly under the management of the Education Department of the BCM, while two other English schools, the Lorrain Academy at Aizawl and the Carey English School at Zotlang are given financial assistance.
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Beirual thu zir tur Pathian hnena hlanna neih a ni.

July 25, 2024 (Ningani) zing khan BCM Hall, Headquarters Offce, Serkawn-ah kumin 2024-a Beirual Thuzir tur ‘Ringtu Nun’ tih chu Rev. R. Lalbiakliana, General Secretary-in Pathian hnenah hlanin a tlangzarh. …

R&D-in Thli leh ruah avanga chhiat tawka tanpuina a pe

R&D-in Thli leh ruah avanga chhiat tawka tanpuina a pe

July 22-26, 2024 khan Buarpui leh Aizawl ah te tun hnaia thli leh ruah avanga chhiatna hrang hrang tuarte hnenah BCM Relief & Development Department chuan Chhawmdawlna leh tanpuina a sem a. Heng chhawmdawlna te hi R&D Department hotute -  Director Rev L.Vanlalsanga,Co-ordinator Rbt Lalrinawma leh Asst Co-ordinator Nl T. Lalfawnveli leh Pu Lalhriatpuia, Driver ten kengin Pastor Bial hrang hrangah tanpuina hi an pe a ni. …

Mission Inkhawmpui neih chhoh meka ni.

Mission Inkhawmpui neih chhoh meka ni.

Mizoram Baptist Kohran - Mission Department-in Kohhrante Mission rawngbawlnaa hma kan sawn nan leh mission rilru kan put ngheh deuh deuh theihna atan Mission Inkhawmpui buatsaih ni se ti-a ruahmanna an siam angin Lawngtlai, Lunglei eh Aizawl-ah te Pastor Bial 2/3 huapin Mission Inkhawmpui hi neih turin ruahman a ni a. A hmasa ber atan July 19-21 khan Lawngtlai khawpui chhunga Pastor Bial pathum - Lawngtlai North, Lawngtlai South leh Lawngtlai East Pastor bial te infinin BCM Biak In, Chanmari, Lawngtlaiah Mission Inkhawmpui hi tluang takin neih a ni. nkhawmpui thupui-ah Joshua 3:1 thu  ‘Ram lak tur lah chu a la tam mai si a’ tih chu hman a ni.  He Inkhawmpui-ah hian Sepaker-ah Rev. Dr. R. Lalthanmawia, AGS Mission leh Rev. Lalremsiama, Mission Director te hmangin, Resource person-ah  Pu T. Nghaksanga Mission Promoter hman a ni bawk. …